SALT Alliance has a number of partner organisations who either provide funding, expertise or opportunities to collaborate beyond the Alliance membership.
Our SALT Alliance partners include the following organisations...
Our SALT Alliance partners include the following organisations...
ACAT: A non-denominational, faith-based organisation committed to improving the livelihoods of the poor on a sustainable basis where poverty, resource degradation, malnutrition, unemployment, and HIV and AIDS are widespread.
ACAT Bijzondere Noden: The Christian church has the task, in addition to proclaiming the Word, also to support our neighbor in need. Bijzondere Noden supports the hands of the church. In this way we want to show Christian compassion and fulfill the commission to charity. Bijzonderen Nodenl CABSA: the Christian Aids Bureau for Southern Africa guides and supports Christian communities towards HIV competence, through advocacy, information services, training, mobilising and networking. CABSA Verre Naasten: an international mission organization supporting Reformed churches in the Netherlands in the execution of their mission work worldwide. Verre Naasten Family Impact: working in Africa to see sustainable change in communities through the development of materials, training and partnerships that develop family structures. Family Impact ICCO Cooperation: an inter-church organization for development cooperation. ICCO Cooperation Micah Global: a global community of Christians (aid / NGO organisations, mission organisations, academic / training institutes, local congregations, networks, alliances, denominational secretariats and individuals) drawn together because of their passion and commitment for integral mission. SALT Alliance in a member of Micah Global. Micahnetwork Prisma: an association of Christian organizations involved in the field of development cooperation and international diaconate. Prisma TWR Netherlands: the Foundation for TWR Netherlands & Belgium is an independent Christian organization and partner of the international organization TWR. TWR-Netherlands Woord en Daad: connecting people all over the world in their struggle against poverty, from a biblical perspective. Woord en Daad |